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Rob & Jill, Quinton & Brynlee Star

Rob specializes in cow calf production and the rangeland management side of Star Cattle Company. From a very young age, he worked alongside Dad and Grandpa while riding in the hay tractor, setting irrigation water, packing silage, and fixing fences and windmills out in the hills. Rob deeply values the tradition and practices that have been learned and passed down over the years and is providing the same opportunity for his family. Rob is a cattleman to his core, and there is truly no place he would rather be than on horseback tending to cattle.

Rob’s wife Jill also has a great appreciation for the land and animals raised on the Star Ranch. Jill grew up with a veterinarian father and developed a passion for animals at an early age. She proceeded to obtain a degree in Biology from Doane university, and later worked as a veterinarian assistant for several years where she met Rob. They were married in the summer of 2013 on the banks of the Birdwood Creek and now have a family of their own. When Jill is not watching after her kids, she often aids in cattle care and vaccination distribution that keeps our cattle strong and healthy. Together they are extremely passionate about beef and good food in general. They are always finding new ways to prepare and cook delicious meals for family and friends which typically include some kind of produce from their family garden!

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